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Author : Muffat, Georg
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Muffat, GeorgApparatus musico-organisticus. Invictissimo Leopoldo I. Imperatori semper Augusto ad Coronationem Auspicatissimam Coniugis ac Filii Augustissimae Imperatricis ac Potentissimi Romanorum Regis In demississimum obsequium oblatus à Georgio Muffat. Ao. 1690. 1690 66p
2. Muffat, GeorgSuavioris harmoniae instrumentalis hyporchematicae Florilegium primum. 1695
3. Muffat, GeorgSuavioris harmoniae instrumentalis hyporchematicae Florilegium secundum. 1698
4. Muffat, GeorgAn Essay on Thoroughbass. McolStudDoc 4 1961 130p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita